¦ adjective
1. of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature.
2. (of clothes or coverings) made of a material that helps the body to retain heat.
3. having or showing enthusiasm, affection, or kindness.
4. (of a colour) containing red, yellow, or orange tones.
5. (of a scent or trail) fresh; strong.
(in children's games) close to finding or guessing what is sought.
6. archaic characterized by lively or heated disagreement.
7. archaic sexually explicit or titillating.
¦ verb
1. make or become warm.
(warm something up or US over) reheat previously cooked food.
2. (warm up or down) prepare for (or recover from) strenuous physical exertion by doing gentle stretches and exercises.
3. (warm up) (of an engine or device) reach a temperature high enough to allow it to operate efficiently.
become livelier.
(warm someone up or US over) entertain an audience to make them more receptive to the main act.
4. (warm to/towards or N. Amer. warm up to/towards) become more interested in or enthusiastic about.
¦ noun
1. (the warm) a warm place or area.
2. an act of warming.
warmer noun
warmish adjective
warmly adverb
warmness noun
OE wearm (adjective), werman, wearmian (v.), of Gmc origin.